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Quick Start

You can install the package via composer:

composer require strucura/datagrids


Optionally, you can publish the views using

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="datagrids-config"

Discovery of DataGrids

The discovery of grids in the application is configured in the config/datagrids.php file. This configuration allows the package to automatically discover grid classes within specified paths and under certain conditions.

Here is how the discovery process is set up:

  1. Paths: The paths array specifies the directories where the package will look for grid classes. By default, it includes the app directory.
  2. Conditions: The conditions array defines the criteria that a class must meet to be considered a grid. In this case, it uses the DiscoverCondition class to find classes that implement the GridContract interface.

return [
    'discovery' => [
        'paths' => [
        'conditions' => [

This setup ensures that any class within the specified paths that implements the AbstractDataGrid interface will be automatically discovered and registered as a grid in the application.


To create a new grid, you need to define a class that extends the AbstractDataGrid class and implements the required methods. To make this easier, we've added a make command that can be invoked with php artisan make:datagrid {name}. Below is an sample of a grid class:


namespace Strucura\DataGrid\Tests\Fakes;

use Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
use Strucura\DataGrid\Abstracts\AbstractDataGrid;
use Strucura\DataGrid\Columns\DateTimeColumn;
use Strucura\DataGrid\Columns\NumberColumn;
use Strucura\DataGrid\Columns\StringColumn;
use Strucura\DataGrid\Contracts\DataGridContract;

class ActiveUserDataGrid extends AbstractDataGrid implements DataGridContract
    public function getColumns(): Collection
        return collect([
            NumberColumn::make('', 'ID'),
            StringColumn::make('', 'Name'),
            StringColumn::make('', 'Email'),
            DateTimeColumn::make('users.created_at', 'Created At'),
            DateTimeColumn::make('users.created_at', 'Updated At'),

    public function getQuery(): Builder
        return DB::table('users');

In this example, the ActiveUserDataGrid class defines the columns and the query for the grid. The getColumns method returns a collection of columns, and the getQuery method returns the query builder instance for the grid.

Once created, and picked up by the discovery process, new routes will be registered for the grid. These routes will allow for fetching the data for the grid, and for fetching the column schema for the grid. Using the ActiveUserDataGrid as an example, the following routes will be registered:

POST       grids/active-users/data ...............
POST       grids/active-users/schema .............